Tonight we decided to take a picnic dinner to Stillhouse lake to relax and unwind from the week. The boys begged to wear their swimsuits even though I told them that the water would be enitrely too cold to get in. As soon as chicken tenders, corn-on-the-cob, fried okra, and rolls were consumed (a la Golden Chick), both boys marched right into the frigid waters.
Nate stepped into the shallowest of waters and announced to the boys that drowning was not an option for tonight as no adults planned to get into the lake. Leo was beside himself watching his two precious boys being swallowed up by the lake so we let him run and jump into the water. He checked on both boys then immediately swam for the shore, obviously the wisest choice of the three.
Leo says, "My boys! My boys! Are you okay?" |
And quickly decided, "It's cold! It's cold! It's cold!" |
It was a fun night and thus far, there are no signs of pneumonia among any of the boys. Nate and I decided that our sons clearly have not yet grown nerve endings to alert them of extreme cold. =)
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