Greg and Lori are visiting this weekend and I'm so thrilled to have them here. We had a slight mishap on their first night here last night, but managed to overcome without anyone going to jail. ;)
It turns out that they arrived while Nate and I were still at a farewell dinner. She texted me when they arrived and I let her know we were still in the speech-making part of the evening and would be along in a bit. She texted a few minutes later and said that the police were outside my house! Apparently, one of my neighbors had called the police when their truck sat in front of our house for 15 minutes. They had gotten out of the truck and walked the street to stretch their legs then got back into the truck when two police cars pulled up. They checked their IDs and their reasons for being here, and eventually decided they were no harm to society. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
So we got over that part of the trip pretty easily and spent today doing all kinds of fun stuff. Kite day with both kids, a tour of Nate's office area and motor pool, and tours of the 1st CAV and 3rd ACR museums were at the top of our list. Greg is a WWII-era military history buff and was enthralled by the captured enemy equipment. Lori and I dropped him off at one and had lunch together then dropped him off at the other and went to pick up kids from school. Greg was like a kid in a candy shop; he loved it all.
Greg loved Nate's tour of the motor pool. |
Lori hanging out in the battalion headquarters. |
Nate takes us through the Motor Pool. |
Doing a recon for Family Day. |
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