I am always so proud and usually a little emotional on Veteran's Day. I am continuously amazed by the courage and sacrifice displayed by our Nation's heroes and Veteran's Day gives me a special day to reflect on just that. Each generation of Americans has grown its own heroes and each battle, war, and conflict has produced unbelievable tales of heroism and bravery.
My generation is no different. In our 17+ years in the Army, I have met some of the most selfless heroes of our time. Our Soldiers are strong, disciplined, smart warriors that have kept our nation safe and our people protected through some of the most turbulent times in recent years.
On this Veteran's Day, I was greeted with some of the most wonderful news I could have hoped for. Our battalion, who has served in Iraq for the past six months, has crossed the border into Kuwait! They will be returning six months earlier than originally expected and getting safely into Kuwait is step one of that process. The photos were a beautiful way to start our day and I am so thankful for their safety and for the incredible job they've accomplished while there.
Hurry home, Red Dragons! We are so proud of you!
The sun rises on Veteran's Day as the Red Dragons make their way to Kuwait. |
Red Dragons crossing the Iraq and Kuwait border. |
Congratulations! The last Red Dragon Soldiers arrived to our motorpool in Kuwait. All Red Dragons made it safe and sound and are busy preparing for follow on missions and redeployment. |
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